
How to Clean a Canon Ink Absorber?

Please let me know that how to clean a Canon ink absorber. I have no idea about that how to do this. Help me.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  3 years ago
Answer - 1

Replace the Ink Absorber on a Canon Printer:

Are you looking for some method to replace the ink absorber on a canon printer? Then you are in the right place. In this blog, I have provided the information canon printer ink absorber.

Before we go to the methods let's gather some important information about the Canon printer.

Purpose Of Ink Absorber Of Canon Printer:

Below are some of the advantages of Ink absorber.

  • Can retain excess ink from the cartilage of the printer
  • Prevent printer from smears
  • Protect the ink of cartilage from getting dry
  • Timely check the pads of ink absorber.
  • Whenever the ink absorber pad is full, it displays the error message

Why Do We Need To Replace The Ink Absorber Of Canon Printer?

Basically, the ink absorber is used to absorb the waste expelled ink. Once the ink absorber is full we need to change or replace it. The reason behind it is that if the ink absorber is full and it will start leaking. Leakage can damage the printer.

Techniques To Replace The Ink Absorber Of Canon Printer:

Following are the method to change and clean the ink absorber of canon printer

Method 1:- Change Ink Absorber

Instruction for this method is as follows:

Step1) Firstly unlock the printer. Put the new cartilage of the ink in the printer. Allow the cradle of cartilage to move in the center of the area where the printing is done. While doing this make sure the printer is unplugged so that you can put cartilage at its position easily.

Step 2) Look at the right side of the printer and search for the option with the help of which printer goes into stand-by mode. Now in that area find the black rubber frame and put the waste ink in it.

Step 3) Remove the extra ink present on the absorbing pad with the help of any disposal and paper napkin. This can be done by pushing the pad down on the top of the frame.

Step 4) Now put on your gloves in hand and remove the pad of ink absorber from the frame of rubber.

Step 5) In that rubber frame place the new pad of the latest ink absorber. Now put back the rubber frame to its position.

Step 6) Lock the printer.

Step 7) Switch on the printer and hold its power button until it starts to reset.

Step 8) Once the green light appears on the printer remove your hand from the power button.

Hence your canon printer is ready to print without any error.

Method 2:- Clean the Ink absorber

Below is the step by step guide for this method

Step 1) Put up the rubber gloves and bring a large bowl with warm soapy water.

Step 2) Unlock the ink cartridge portion.

Step 3) Disable the power cord of the printer.

Step 4) Search for the rubber frame black in color having ink absorbing pads.

Step 5) Take out the absorbing pads from that rubber frame.

Step 6) Wash the absorbing pads until it becomes clear. (Keep on changing the bowl of warm water once it becomes opaque with ink.)

Step 7) Dry the absorbing pad with the help of a paper towel.

Step 8) Now put the pad back to the frame. Place the frame again in the printer.

Step 9) Power on the printer.

Enjoy your printer error-free.


I hope with the help of the above methods you can easily replace the ink absorber on a Canon printer. Novice users can also use these methods to fix the error message.

  •   Steffan
  • lay  10 months ago