Why My Canon Printer's Prints are Blurry?

The reason for your Canon printer printing blurry or smudges on printing paper could occur due to various factors. I will discuss a few troubleshooting techniques. Follow them carefully:

Paper Issues:

The problem of blurry or smudgy print could be attributed to poor paper quality. If you are not using standard paper for painting then the chances of blurry prints increase. So make sure to use standard paper as recommended by your brand and also remember not to overstuff the paper tray.

Check Resolution Settings:

If the resolution settings for your router is set to low, then chances are printed letters or words will appear smudgy. Make sure to check your resolution settings and change it to high or as per your requirements.

Update Drivers:

If the printer is continuously printing blurry images even after taking care of the resolution and quality settings then chances are that the printer driver may be at fault. These drivers are software program that tends to wear out or get corrupted so make sure to update your Canon printer with the latest available driver.

Printhead Problems:

If the printer is in regular use then the chances are that its printhead is blocked or causing the problem. So make sure to clean the printhead of the printer on a timely basis using a clean piece of cloth soaked in warm water.

Hopefully, these steps helped you in resolving the problem of the Canon printer is printing blurry. For further inquiry feel free to revert back.

  •  Jhon
  • lay  Brand: Canon Printer
  • lay  Last Update: 1 month ago