
Epson ET3750 Printer - Feeder Rollers Leave Residue and Marks

Epson ET3750 printer - When printing cards on card stock the feeder rollers have started leaving an eraser-like residue and ink marks in the shape of the rollers. When printing the back side of the card, the roller mark is actually scuffing off the color on the front side of the card in the shape of the roller. I have the paper guide cleaning in the maintenance tool, to no avail.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  2 years ago
Answer - 1

Hi, If you are looking for a solution related to Epson ET3750 Printer - Feeder Rollers Problems then you can visit this page.

Here you will get all possible solutions related to your question.


How to Fix Epson Printer L210 Paper Feed Problem?




  •   Steffan
  • lay  4 months ago