Hello, Please let me know that how to install Brother printers without a CD-ROM. I bought new Brother printer and now i am trying to install without CD. Help me in this.
Brother printers are commonly used for home and professional applications. When a customer purchases and unboxes the printer out from the packaging box, they get everything they need. Isn't that true? You just have to install the appropriate printer's driver on your computer or laptop.
Not every user have the CD-ROM for printer driver installation. In fact, many users nowadays buy sleek and stylish computer/laptop models which doesn't consist of any CD-ROM drive at all. Even in the case, one is installing an existing printer on a new computer, but they don't have the CD-ROM, not to worry. You can easily install Brother printers without a CD-ROM with the help of online methods.
Brother Printers have their own support center website listing different driver downloads options for most of its printers. To download the appropriate driver, you just need to know the exact model number of your printer before you start.
Start by searching the Support center and then enter your exact printer model. Additionally, this official website gives you details or instructions specific to your printer model. Firstly, it will ask you whether you want to install Brother printer for Windows or Macintosh system. Select the driver option as per your requirement.
Once you click to install Brother printers without a CD-ROM, the driver gets downloaded and saved into the Downloads folder in your computer. In the next step, you'll need to open it and move it to the "Printers" folder. Fortunately, setup prompts allow you to move ahead to the next step. For your information, the "Printers" folder is located in the Control Panel on the hard drive of your computer system.
Initially, if you don't find the driver at its location, the printer and computer might have trouble finding each other, even when the drivers are actually installed. To relocate the driver folder, drag-and-drop the complete folder into the right location if required.
Next, you will find various setup prompts and it will ask you to select the appropriate operating system for driver installation. It is recommended to select the full package setup so that you are able to access all functions and features of the Brother printer. Though, you also have the option to choose a custom setting for your printer. Further, you can Read and Agree to the user agreement when asked to complete or finish the setup.
After you install Brother printers without a CD-ROM, you are not completed with the step. Most of the modern printers nowadays are compatible to work on wireless network. They work with multiple computers or devices that simply don't plug into the printer which means that the printer is not always hard-wired into the wireless router. One needs to configure the Brother printer to your network for its proper working.
For connecting the printer to the network, gather the wireless network information, including the network name and network password. The network name of the wifi network is called as the SSID. Likewise, passwords are sometimes called as network keys or encryption keys. If you are not aware of these details, check this information on the sticker at the base of the wireless router. Remember that you will additionally require a USB cable for the printer installation process.
Without connecting the printer to the USB cable, connect the Brother printer to power source. If not already ready, then turn on your computer. Here you have all the necessary printer drivers installed on your system. Next, open the printer network driver and select the configure option and choose the option as "Brother Peer-to-Peer Network."
Now, you can connect the USB cable to the printer and computer also. The prompts will allow you to change the firewall settings and potentially make changes as per the installed antivirus software. Note that these changes are necessary to allow the printer access to the network.
Ensure that you select "Wireless Setup" option so that it works over the network rather than the USB hard wire. Finally, the driver setup will automatically recognize your printer network. Select it and go through the remaining prompts for setup. Further, remove the USB cable and test the setup.
Hope this answer is helpful to Install Brother Printer Without CD-ROM.
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