
How to Configure a HP Laptop to a Wireless Router?

Hi , i bought a wireless router last week, When i was trying to connect my hp laptop to a wireless router then i fail to connect it. Please give me any idea to connect my hp laptop to a wireless router.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  3 years ago
Answer - 1

Connect HP Laptop to a Wireless Router:

In order to setup the wireless network in your HP laptop, we need to follow these steps-

1) In your HP laptop you have to go to START then control panel then Network and internet conections.

2) There you’ll get the options network connections. Double click on it.

3) Click the wireless networks TAB.

4) On the wireless network , each network available within range is listed under Available networks. Click the network that you are connecting to , and then click Configure.

5) If there are no networks listed under available networks then you are out of range of the wireless router or you can setup the wireless network by clicking WAN in wireless networks.

6) Now , you are on the page Association there you can putt your network ssid and network key, confirm key and press OK button. You must have to check DATA ENCRYPTION.

7) If the settings you have configured are correct , the network name is listed and connected , click OK and close your control panel.

Your HP laptop would be connected now with wireless network.

  •   Reid
  • lay  7 months ago