
What Is An XPS Printer Driver - Lexmark Printer?

Is there anyone who knows about what is an XPS printer driver. I have no idea about that. If you know then let me know how to get and download it.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  2 years ago
Answer - 1

XPS Printer Driver-

XPS printer driver is a new type of printer driver, which is created to make use of advanced graphics and XPS color features. This driver is presently available for Windows 10 OS, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista. 

Additional Information About XPS Printer Drivers

If you wish to get more details about XPS printer drivers, then read below. 

  • These drivers are pre-installed on your OS. 
  • They are supported by Microsoft Vista Service pack 1. 
  • You need administrator privileges to install this driver. 
  • Not every printer device supports this language, therefore you need to check Lexmark's marketing materials to get more details about compatibility. 
  • This driver is sometimes found under \drivers\XPS folder on the installation disc supplied to you. Nevertheless, it is advisable to enable Windows update to provide you with the XPS print driver as the driver included in the CD may not be updated. 

How to Fix XPS Driver Issues? 

If you are not sure how to fix XPS driver issues, then take a look below.

  • If you find that the XPS driver function is not working properly, then you must identify which feature is not working properly. You need to find out if the issue lies in application features, printing, or stapling. 
  • If possible, you can try installing a different type of driver i.e., HBD, PS3, or PCL XL emulation.
  •   Shaun
  • lay  4 months ago