
Why My Kodak Printer is Not Connecting to Dell Laptop Wirelessly?

I was trying to connect my Kodak 5200 wireless printer to my Dell laptop wirelessly. For this, I have downloaded the CD and updated on my computer. But my printer lost the wireless connection and unable to find my router. I don’t want to reset my printer to find the wireless connection again. Is there exist any complex problem with my printer or my operating system? Please help me connect my Kodak printer to Dell laptop without resetting printer software.

  •   Mick
  • lay  1  Ans
  • lay  4 years ago
Answer - 1

Method to connect Kodak printer to Dell laptop -

  1. Firstly, verify that your laptop has the wireless card installed because if wireless driver is not installed on your system then you have to manually install the wireless card. If PCI card slots are available on your laptop then you can install WiFi PCI card to make your laptop available for wireless connections.
  2. Now take a USB cable and connect your Kodak printer to Dell laptop. For setting up the wireless connection with Kodak printer, this step is necessary to perform. Once you made the connection between Kodak printer and Dell laptop then you can remove USB cable.
  3. Insert Kodak software disc into your Dell laptop and then follow on-screen prompts to install software and drivers. If your Dell laptop has wireless capabilities then you can easily setup your Kodak printer wirelessly. Kodak printer installation disc also contains applications for scanning images.
  4. Then, press Home button on your Kodak printer. By doing this, some options will display on the Kodak printer’s LCD screen. Use scroll arrow keys to choose the option “WiFi Setup wizard”. Press the OK button and then choose Wireless from the menu options. Hit OK button.
  5. Your Kodak printer will redirect you to a list of potential networks, so just choose the correct network.
  6. Once your Kodak printer setup is complete, just disconnect the USB cable. After this, turn off your Kodak printer, wait for a few moments and then turn it back on. Give your Kodak printer some time to startup and when you see WiFi light is appearing on the Kodak printer then you should understand that Kodak printer is connected to wireless network.
  •   Marsh
  • lay  1 year ago